You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Invoice Creation - Menu Options > Invoice Creation - Payment (v2.8)
Invoice Creation - Payment (v2.8)

Use this option to process a payment against a sales order that has already been saved as a supply chain order. The payment can be a deposit or full payment for the order.


Technical Tip

The PAYMENT option is only ungreyed where an order has already been posted to supply chain (see "Invoice Creation - File - Supply Chain (v2.8)"); it is not available on new unposted orders. It allows you to take a payment without posting the order again.

In addition, the debtor must have the Cash Sale field on their account set to either Account or Cash or Yes – see "File - Debtor - Extra".

  1. Load the paperless slip into the Invoice Creation screen.

See "Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Paperless Slip".

  1. Select PAYMENT.

Micronet displays a message that any changes to the order will not be saved after the payment.

  1. Select Yes to continue.

Micronet displays the Invoice Total screen.

  1. Enter any details required then select OK.

Micronet displays the Payment screen.

  1. Enter the amount of the payment for this order in the This Payment field.
  2. Enter the amount of the payment again – either against a single payment type or against a combination of payment types.

For more information, refer to "Processing Cash Payments".

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet processes the payment, prints an order confirmation and redisplays the Invoice Creation screen. You can see the payment on the debtor account.